Police Department and Law Enforcement Flags And Banners

About Our Police Flags & Banners: Police Department Flags, Police Mourning Flags, Thin Blue Line Flags & More
Police departments typically display both an American flag and a department flag on a flagpole at the police station. When your company doesn't have it's own flag to match the police officers patches, then they usually display a stock design police flag.
For a custom designed department flag, just send us a copy of your patch, or a photo of your police shield, and our graphic artists will be happy to design a new flag that is unique to your department. Once the design is complete, we can add your department flag design to outdoor flags and banners, a parade presentation flag or even a casket drape to honor a fallen officer. You can learn more about our custom police flags here.
Police Mourning Flags
In times of mourning, police departments and other branches of the civil service display buntings and mourning flags at the station. Gettysburg Flag Works offers several stock designed police mourning flags, and black and purple mourning bunting for a quick and easy display. We also offer a stock police officers casket drape to honor a fallen officer.
Special Uses for Police Flags
Police departments take part in many events throughout the year and a flag or banner is an easy way to decorate for those events. A vinyl banner for display indoors our out will be great for sponsored events as well as fairs and festivals. Parade flags double as presentation sets for speeches and briefings when displayed upright in flag stand and outdoor flags can easily be mounted to a wall or fence.
Looking to add to your police department's flag collection, but not quite sure what you need? Just give us a call at 1-888-697-3524 or contact us online and we'd be happy to guide you!
Thin Blue Line Flags
At Gettysburg Flag Works, we proudly offer a variety of Thin Blue Line products including flags, pleated fans, and Thin Blue Line lapel pins.
What does the Thin Blue Line stand for? The Thin Blue Line is a symbol used by law enforcement to commemorate fallen officers. The blue center line represents law enforcement, the bottom stripe represents the criminals and the top black stripe represents the public. Displaying a Thin Blue Line flag is a great way to show your support for the police and other law enforcement officers who protect us on a daily basis.
Want to create your own custom Thin Blue Line lapel pin? We can help you with that as well! The team at Gettysburg Flag Works can work with you to design a customized lapel pin that we will print just for you. If you have an idea for a custom lapel pin, fill out our quick and easy contact form or call us at 1-888-697-3524 to get the process started.
Show Your Support with Police Flags
From police department flags and police mourning flags to Thin Blue Line flags and customized police banners, we have all your needs covered when it comes to law enforcement flags. Whether you're looking to design a Thin Blue Line lapel pin for the family of a fallen officer, you are an officer looking to purchase a new, custom police flag to fly outside your precinct, or you're looking for a flag to fly outside your home to show your support, we've got what you need! Shop our wide selection online.
Can't quite find what you're looking for? Give us a call at 1-888-697-3524 or contact us online and we will be glad to point you in the right direction.
Interested in creating a customized police flag? Learn more about custom police flag options and get started with the custom flag design process here.