Tag: American flag

History Lessons

Twin victories on Fourth of July

A commemoration of the Battle of Gettysburg in 1913

By James Breig This year’s Fourth of July marks not only the 237th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, but also the 150th anniversary of two seminal battles of the Civil War: Gettysburg and Vicksburg. If you subtract 150 from 237, you get a number associated with Abraham Lincoln. The twin historic conflicts, which spanned… continue

History Lessons

Flags saluted on Flag Day

In 1861, the year the Civil War began and with the pivotal battles of Gettysburg and Vicksburg still two years in the future, the citizens of Hartford, Connecticut, decorated their businesses and homes with flags in a colorful display of patriotism. The occasion was Flag Day, celebrated on June 14 because, on that date in… continue

History Lessons

‘Flag’ derived from a sound

By James Breig Have you ever listened to a flag? For more than two centuries, Americans have seen them. Whether large and flying smartly in the wind from a mast on the U.S.S. Constitution…or medium-sized and carried proudly by soldiers during the Battle of Gettysburg…or small and waved enthusiastically by families at a Fourth of… continue

Flag Information

Memorial Day

flags are placed in front of graves to honor fallen soldiers who will be remembered on Memorial Day May 31, 2004.

By Cheryl Rings Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day and although there are many conflicting stories on it’s beginnings, most of them agree that it began as a day set aside to honor the soldiers who had fallen in service during the civil war.  Dates and specific groups of soldiers are what separates many of… continue

History Lessons

Woman hoists stadium flag

Ebbets Stadium flag-raising in 1913 (Photo from Library of Congress)

By James Breig Baseball and flags have had a long relationship – and not just through the singing of “Oh, Say, Can You See” before every game. After all, what are the pro teams chasing throughout their 162-game season? They’re after a pennant! Fans follow the pennant races throughout the spring and summer, but we… continue