Stars For Our Troops

The Stars for our Troops program takes your old, tattered and worn out American Flags and turns them into a prized possession for an American Soldier at home, on base or overseas. Volunteers lovingly cut each embroidered star from the flag, dispose of the stripes properly, and place each star into a tiny plastic bag with a card.

The card reads:
“I am part of our American flag that has flown over the U.S.A. I can no longer fly. The sun and winds have caused me to become tattered and torn. Please carry me as a reminder that you are not forgotten”

Stars For Our Troops

What is a Star Party? | Stars For Our Troops

stars pouched

Our August star party at Gettysburg Flag Works was a hit!  We had a total of 7 volunteers working on several parts of the star process. There are several steps before it can be handed to a soldier or veteran.  Here’s a group photo (missing 3 people unfortunately). When packages of flags arrive for Stars… continue

Stars For Our Troops

2012 Stars For Our Troops Tally

A final tally is in! In 2012 Gettysburg Flag Works received 2787 flags for the Stars for our Troops program. Of those flags 1676 were of a usable size which works out to 60% of the flags. With the usable flags we were then able to make 83,800 pouched stars to thank that many soldiers or veterans!… continue