History Lessons

Four presidents oversee plenty of flags

Rushmore flags

Seventy-five years ago, one of the world’s most astonishing man-made creations was dedicated: Mount Rushmore. Thirty-five years later, the four presidents carved there would look down on another tribute to the nation: the Avenue of Flags, colorful reminders of the country served by the stony quartet. Mount Rushmore was conceived in the 1920s by Doane… continue

Flag Information

All About Awareness Ribbon Flags

pink ribbon flag flying

How and Why to Fly Awareness Flags The first step to solving any problem is making sure that people know it exists. There are a lot of different ways to raise awareness, but flags and banners have proven themselves to be among the most popular and effective in recent years. These flags range from the… continue

Flag Information

International Talk Like a Pirate Day

Arrrrrrr Matey… It’s been hundreds of years since pirates sailed the Spanish Main, but lately they’ve been more popular than ever. Some of that popularity probably comes from the fact that most people don’t need to deal with pirates anymore. After all, it’s easier to like them when they aren’t boarding your ship and taking… continue

History Lessons

FDR said ‘flag’ ten times on 9/11

Front page of Indiana newspaper after FDR's address

Americans will soon mark the 15th anniversary of the 9/11/2001 attacks on the U.S. That night, backed by an American flag, President George W. Bush addressed the nation from the White House. Sixty years earlier, Americans listened to a similar speech from the White House, this time by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. During his 9/11/1941… continue

History Lessons

National parks celebrate 100th birthday

Great Falls Park's 15-star flag

The National Park Service is commemorating its centennial this year and invites Americans (and people around the world) to visit its many sites. When you do, you’ll spot plenty of flags. It happened recently to a family that stopped by Great Falls Park in Virginia, just a few miles from Washington, D.C. They spied a… continue