History Lessons

History lessons is a grouping of historical stories and tidbits. The topics range from the American Civil War through interesting items from around the world. Please use the comments area to ask questions and make suggestions for future topics.

History Lessons

Flags at graduation and for first victim of WWII

Captain Losey in the cockpit

Over the four years of the Second World War, hundreds of thousands of U.S. servicemen were killed. Their bodies and coffins were covered with American flags, and Old Glory waved over cemeteries from New Guinea to France. But the first casualty, who was killed by a Nazi bomb, occurred nearly two years before Pearl Harbor… continue

History Lessons

Municipal flags bring glory to cities

New York City's seal

Everyone can picture the American flag. Many people can imagine their state’s banner. But how many can describe the municipal flag of the city they live in? Take New York City. While millions of residents, workers and tourists walk around there every day, it’s doubtful that any of them could identify the city’s flag. And… continue

History Lessons

Of firemen, a blind man and an American flag

Frank Auburn’s life was a classic American story that included an American flag waving from a staff, thanks to friendly firemen. In 1911, Auburn graduated from the Illinois State School for the Blind. Along with this peers, he was warned by the school that “the greatest problem that confronts the blind is…securing employment after their… continue

History Lessons

With American flags, a nation bids Lincoln farewell

Through the closing days of April 1865 and into the opening days of May, a train adorned with American flags and signs of deep mourning moved north from Washington, D.C. It would eventually turn west to Springfield, Illinois. It bore the body of Abraham Lincoln. Stopping in many cities along the route, the train gave… continue

History Lessons

Three American flags tied to Lincoln – or not?

This 1865 sheet music features a praying angel, mourning woman and Lincoln. (Library of Congress)

Last week’s article focused on the many flags associated with the assassination of Abraham Lincoln 150 years ago this month. Three American flags that may have been involved with major events in his life and death reside around the U.S. – maybe. FLAG #1: Three score and four stars One of the most famous speeches… continue