History Lessons

History lessons is a grouping of historical stories and tidbits. The topics range from the American Civil War through interesting items from around the world. Please use the comments area to ask questions and make suggestions for future topics.

History Lessons

Lincoln and flags as his death approached

One hundred and fifty years ago, in the closing weeks of his life, Abraham Lincoln was focused on the finale of the Civil War – and on flags. On March 17, 1865, for example, he issued an address to the 140th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, which had captured a rebel flag during a battle in North… continue

History Lessons

Coast Guard Academy’s flags multiply

Bedecked with school flags and guidons, the Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut, is marking the centenary of its 1915 founding. But it’s somewhat confused about its own standard. According to the school’s website, “the origins of the Coast Guard standard are very obscure. It may have evolved from an early jack.” According to… continue

History Lessons

Waving flag at Oscar ceremony

Movie buffs know that many memorable moments have occurred during the annual presentation of the Academy Awards, such as the surprise appearance of a streaker and, far more seriously, the first time a Black actress won an Oscar. One great moment, however, has been forgotten: the time two actors in uniform waved an American flag…. continue