Tag: stars for our troops

Flag Information

What to do with a Damaged or Retired American Flag

Honoring a symbol, Team Seymour holds flag retiring ceremony

The United States Flag Code dictates that any American flag that is worn, damaged or tattered beyond repair should be retired in a respectful and dignified manner. While the code allows for worn flags to be discreetly and professionally burned, there are also other options, including flag burials and – our personal favorite – donating… continue

Stars For Our Troops

What is a Star Party? | Stars For Our Troops

stars pouched

Our August star party at Gettysburg Flag Works was a hit!  We had a total of 7 volunteers working on several parts of the star process. There are several steps before it can be handed to a soldier or veteran.  Here’s a group photo (missing 3 people unfortunately). When packages of flags arrive for Stars… continue

Stars For Our Troops

2012 Stars For Our Troops Tally

A final tally is in! In 2012 Gettysburg Flag Works received 2787 flags for the Stars for our Troops program. Of those flags 1676 were of a usable size which works out to 60% of the flags. With the usable flags we were then able to make 83,800 pouched stars to thank that many soldiers or veterans!… continue